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Tooth Removals

Simple, pain-free tooth removal

Logo for dental extractions and tooth removals at a dentist for nervous or anxious patients

What is a Tooth Removal?

A tooth removal is the removal of a tooth from your mouth.

Why would I need a tooth removal?

Teeth are removed when no other treatments are suitable. Essentially, it is a last resort.

The main reason teeth are removed is because they are beyond repair. We can fix almost any cavity or crack in a tooth… but for how long? If decay is deep below the gum line or a crack runs down the root of a tooth, we can restore the tooth, but you will not be able to clean the new parts of the tooth properly and they will fail within years. In these cases, it is best to remove the tooth and replace it.

Teeth are also removed for orthodontic reasons if there are too many teeth in your mouth and not enough space. We don’t like to take teeth out if possible, but sometimes this is the only way to create enough space for the other teeth to sit properly. If this is the case, we choose to remove the most compromised tooth in your mouth (i.e. if it is decayed).

Teeth may be removed if they do not grow through correctly and are difficult to clean. These are predominantly wisdom teeth.

How are teeth removed?

Teeth are removed gently and efficiently. The area is completely anaesthetised so that you will not feel any pain. From there, the tooth is gently loosened from the ligament that it sits in and is carefully removed.

Does it hurt to have a tooth removed?

During the procedure, there will be no pain, and patients often report being able to feel some mild pressure as the tooth is loosening. This is not pain, but it is an unusual feeling. Once the anaesthetic wears off, the area will be sore. Over the counter pain medication such as Panadol and Nurofen might be needed for the first day or two. The socket will feel strange for another week or two, but this shouldn’t impact upon your day to day activities.

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