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Dr Trent Davidson


Bachelor of Dental Science (Hons), Grad Dip Psychology (GDipPsych)

Hi, I'm Trent.

I believe in giving everyone the chance to access great dental care by providing trustworthy and pain-free care. Born and bred on the northside of Brisbane, I have worked in clinics around the Brisbane area, and on the Sunshine Coast. In my early years of working, I hated seeing the anguish in peoples faces at the idea of visiting the dentist. I decided to devote my career to learning how to best help those who don't like visiting the dentist. I also pursued post-graduate training in psychology, in order to better understand how to manage dental fear, and how to make dental visits easier.

My goal with Mindset Dental is to make it easier for those who avoid the dentist to achieve the dental health they desire. In time, I hope to make it easier to pick up the phone and call us in times of need, rather than putting the idea of visiting the dentist in the 'too hard' basket.

I am a firm believer that knowledge is a lifelong journey. I strive to continue my education in all aspects of dentistry, so that I can deliver the best possible outcomes for my patients.

Outside of work, you’ll find me on top of a mountain, racing a triathlon or eating pizza with my wife, Georgia.

Dr Trent Davidson a dentist at Mindset Dental
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